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História África

Alimen, H.. The prehistory of Africa, Hutchinson, 1957

Chambon, Albert. Les noirs, leur longue marche, Publisud, 1999

Davidson, Basil. Black mother: africa the years of trial, Victor Gollancz, 1961

Davidson, Basil. Old Africa rediscovered, Victor Gollancz, 1960

Davidson, Basil. Discovering our African heritage, Ginnaud Company, 1971

Delafosse, Maurice. The negroes of Africa: history and culture, Associated Publishers, 1931

Delafosse, Maurice. Les nègres, Rieder, 1927

Fage, J. D.. An atlas of african history, Eduard Arnold, 1958

Ki-zerbo, Joseph. Histoire de l´Afrique noire d'hier à demain, Hatier, 1978

Lelyveld, Joseph. Move your shadow: south Africa..., Penguim Books, 1986

Murdock, George Peter. Africa its peoples and their culture history, McGraw-Hill, 1959

Oliver, Roland, FAGE, J. D.. A short history of Africa, Penguim Books, 1966

Pereira, Duarte Pacheco. Esmeralde de Situ Orbis, BISSAU, 1956

Perham, Margery. The colonial reckaning, Fontana, 1963

Post, Ken. The new states of west Africa, Harmandsworth, 1964

Richard-molard, Jacques. Afrique Occidentale française, Berger Levrault, 1949

Shinnie, Margaret. Ancient African Kingdoues, Mentor Book, 1970

Wiedner, Donald L.. A history of Africa: south of the Sahara, Random House, 1962